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Desc:This person is full of shit. She's assuming we have people around us who we can spend time with.
Category:Horror, Educational
Tags:warrior, Victim, terminal cancer, haughty, false nobility
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Comment count is 12
15th - 2017-01-21

I love the fact you hate this. Your humanity remains intact.

Anaxagoras - 2017-01-21

"Only surround yourself with people that have positive energy."

Fuck you, lady,

(I mean that both sincerely & ironically.)

January von Rodeo - 2017-01-21

Then the Assassins of Joy will have everyone they need all in the same place. It works out.

Bobonne - 2017-01-21

If you're exposed to too much Positive Energy, you'll explode.

Just as bad as all that undead-fuelling Negative Energy, really, without moderation.

bawbag - 2017-01-21

There was a lot of this sort of nauseating inspirational bullshit that otherwise well-meaning friends made/sent to me during treatment.

They're the same people who routinely share David Avocado Wolfe vids, glitter gifs and new-agey philosophical memes misattributed to the Dalai Lama/Gandhi et al.

memedumpster - 2017-01-21

Cynicism is the best placebo based medicine, sarcasm is the best flavor of it.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2017-01-21

Cancer sucks and I'm sorry you have it but maybe you should try and make friends at a support group rather than with a bunch of strangers on a shit posting site.

Bobonne - 2017-01-21

At least we like kingarthur for being kingarthur, not just because he has cancer.

PoE, whether it be Red, News, or TV, has always been capable of genuine friendship, warmth, and affection, just as much as it has more negative aspects of humanity.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to make another donation since the first, KA. Things are really tight around here right now. Might be able to do so in March or so.

15th - 2017-01-21


kingarthur - 2017-01-22

I'm hoping you're just unfamiliar with the general "warrior" vibe at your average cancer support group. It's off-putting and those of us that are terminal are often excluded because we're "downers".

Anaxagoras - 2017-01-22

King, I'm not sure how much the opinion of some Random Internet Person matters to you, but I genuinely admire how well you're facing your own death.

I hope that you'll be with us for quite some time.

Meerkat - 2017-01-21

Or WANT to spend time with.

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