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Comment count is 13
Hooker - 2017-01-25

I would wok past this place if I saw it.

SolRo - 2017-01-25

is that tso?

infinite zest - 2017-01-26

what do you ming?

Scrimmjob - 2017-01-25

What exactly can you get for $1?

bawbag - 2017-01-25

A full clearing out of your stomach contents and lower digestive tract.

Scrimmjob - 2017-01-25

Throw in a tape worm and you got yourself a deal!

cognitivedissonance - 2017-01-26

My brother are here a lot.

The sign is still up, proudly visible from I-5.

bawbag - 2017-01-26

Extra tapeworm will incur a surcharge.

Maggot Brain - 2017-01-25

Speaking of horrible things in LA is the sign for The Toy Palace(?) still around? From what I remember it is was a garage door that had the words "Toy Palace" crudely spray painted on one side and was lofted on top of a cherry picker next to the high way.

rastarat - 2017-01-26

In the yellowbook.com

Caminante Nocturno - 2017-01-26

www.onedollarchinesefood.com isn't around anymore, which isn't as surprising as the fact that yellowbook.com still is.

boner - 2017-01-26


infinite zest - 2017-01-26

I realized that Chinese Restaurants would be in on wordplay after I lived down the street from Kung Food, and the fact that a petition was created to re-erect a downtown sign for a Hung Far Low even though it moved out of that area years prior. I wonder if it's picked up with the Vietnamese places yet or if they're still oblivious: My girlfriend lives across the street from a 'Pho Kim' and somewhere else there's a 'Pho Q,' 'Pho King' and many others. You know because 'Pho' rhymes with 'fuck' without the K.. and they answer the restaurant just like that- "hello welcome to fuck you." But I'm not sure if it's encroached on the general restaurant owner or if it's just a thing hipsters find funny.

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