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Comment count is 16
Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2017-01-29

This dude is genuinely scary and he has uploaded (but then deleted) videos of not so secretly hinting about using guns to solve his inability to get pussy and to lash out at the world in general.

Sometime last year I contacted his county sheriff's office which was, at the time, run by that piece of shit Joe Arpaio, and all I got was that there was nothing they could do until he does something.

Redford - 2017-01-29

This guy seems like he's some kind of ultra-rare hollow foil combination of a PUA, a conspiracy theorist and chris-chan.

Maggot Brain - 2017-01-29

"I'm sorry, he's not Mexican, there is literally nothing I can do"

"Uh...his kind of Muslim looking"

*Phone drop and sirens*

William Burns - 2017-01-29

I'm a desperate beta
They call me a crown and anchor

Kid Fenris - 2017-01-29

Despite the preload image, I expected Alex Jones.

Xenocide - 2017-01-29

Perhaps it's one of his many disguises.

bawbag - 2017-01-29

He's definitely going to go full-elliot at some point. urgh.

Caminante Nocturno - 2017-01-29

I don't think I've ever seen a video of a mentally stable person recording themselves talking in their car.

Potter - 2017-01-29

I have been wondering if there isn't good insurance money to be made from these fucks. Like the folks in Russia who run in front of cars and fall over? You know they are distracted already and are keeping a live record of being distracted, should be an open and shut case.

Unless they legit run you over to death.

duck&cover - 2017-01-29

He's a master beta.

decoy - 2017-01-29


Chancho - 2017-01-29

Most girls today are fucking retarded. They drink the flouride and breathe in the chemtrails. That makes them attracted to these fucking losers. Because the Fortune 500 companies are trying to dumb down the population and preventing the intelligent men from reproducing.

somedongus - 2017-01-29

Abe Lincoln beard. Never a good look.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2017-01-29

Yeah, I was kinda getting that, too. Lacks presidential gravitas, though.

Maggot Brain - 2017-01-29

Last year I was trying my hand at stand-up comedy. More than half of the men trying to stand-up are just like this. At the time I wasn't concerned but oh boy, yikes, kind of glad I don't run into most of those people anymore.

Xenocide - 2017-01-29

You'd rather be abused by some cute bodybuilder guy when you could be abused by me!

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