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Desc:After the war, Schultz got a new job. Now he works at an airport.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Humor
Tags:60s, cbs, rare, Hogans Heroes, John Banner
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Comment count is 4
Bort - 2017-02-13

In the show, in civilian life, Schultz was the owner of the world-famous Schatzi Toy Company. The Nazis forced him to repurpose his factories to producing ball bearings. That is how corporatism (as opposed to plutocracy) works: the government dictates to business its proper role, rather than the other way around.

Binro the Heretic - 2017-02-14

Every time I see anything related to "Hogan's Heroes", I automatically think of Gilbert Gottfried's bit about what the pitch meeting must have been like.

"I got a great idea for a show. It's set in a nazi P.O.W. camp...IT'S A COMEDY!"

Bort - 2017-02-14

Also, every single major Nazi on the show (Klink / Schultz / Burkhalter / Hochstetter) was played by a Jew. So was LeBeau, who was a concentration camp survivor no less.

I can only infer that they mythologized WWII less than we do, and the opportunity to parody Nazis was acceptable to them.

To the show's credit, it was kind of progressive when it comes to race. Besides pulling the trick of making the black man the technical genius who doesn't give orders (like on "Mission: Impossible"), he was treated like "just one of the guys" by the POWs. The only people who ever treated Kinchloe as inferior for being black were the Germans. The show even dared to make some gentle jokes about race, like last night's episode where the POWs had to convince a Russian pilot that they weren't German spies ("come on, do I look like a German?").

chumbucket - 2017-02-14

Great find :)

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