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Comment count is 4
Bort - 2017-03-22

If you watch enough oldster TV you discover that Al Lewis was a writer and director on lots of other stuff. But he was scary as fuck on "Car 54, Where Are You?" where he looked like a man/shark hybrid:

http://www.sitcomsonline.com/photopost/data/751/ScreenHunter_7 0_Jun_18_16_23.jpg

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2017-03-22

He'll fit in perfectly the the sharkmen monsters used by Ming the Merciless!

threerow - 2017-03-22

Wow, he really looks like Ted Cruz

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2017-03-22

Given that it's Amvest, the company's definition of "public domain" is murky (see: Barbarella and Rocky Horror Picture Show trailers). At least Grampa's less skeevy than the Kid Pics hamster mascot in a Michael Jackson-style uniform asking kids to provide a paragraph about themselves.

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