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Comment count is 10
Maggot Brain - 2017-04-10

Bipolar or Manic Depressive? WRONG! Psychology is a lie invented by the Nazis and/or Communist Chinese. Your real problem is assholes!

Simillion - 2017-04-11

Then again, Trump is clearly the Anti-Social personality type.

cognitivedissonance - 2017-04-10

Supposedly they don't hire actual Scientologists for these videos due to their tendency to leave the religion in loud and unpleasant ways, and they hire these kids straight off the bus and make them sign non-compete contracts early in their careers so later on if they do happen to become famous, they can't say anything about the church.

Zoot42 - 2017-04-10

I get it now! There are (((certain people))) trying to prevent the rest of us from doing well! We better "get rid of them"! Thanks, scientology!

Seriously, its they don't even try to hide how insanely evil they are,to the point of sounding like nazi internet screeds.

Binro the Heretic - 2017-04-11

The Last Podcast on the Left did an awesome series on Scientology recently.

cognitivedissonance - 2017-04-11

Oh No Ross and Carrie actually joined up for a few months, and the Sea Org didn't do their job correctly and didn't bother to google their names until Ross was already in the recruitment scheme, and the way he tells being frogmarched out of the Celebrity Centre during a sales meeting is pretty harrowing. He said they scammed him into giving them his Aocial Security number in exchange for a $15 check for a recruitment spiff, and he didn't release how they were going to use that until later.

Robin Kestrel - 2017-04-11

1 in 5 sounds a little low.

Also, Prozac.

memedumpster - 2017-04-11

Wow, way to be Scientolophobic. I guess Scientology hasn't straight slaughtered enough people yet to be a sacred victim religion like the rest of them.

Monkey Napoleon - 2017-04-11

It's way easier to give a religion the consideration it deserves when you don't personally know or have to engage with any members in your real life.

mashedtater - 2017-07-31

Community had it right, life is hard for Moby Look-a-likes.

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