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Desc:When United's overbooking policy forces flight staff to bump random passengers, things like this.
Tags:United Airlines, broken lip, why everything hates everything
Submitted:infinite zest
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Comment count is 32
pastorofmuppets - 2017-04-11

Saw the news blurb everywhere but had avoided the video till now. Was not prepared for the screaming. Five stars.

infinite zest - 2017-04-11

Yeah volume got me too, freaked out my cat and I still forgot to put a warning in the title

Oscar Wildcat - 2017-04-11

The flying skies have never been friendlier, thanks Oscar Munoz.

TheyUsedDarkForces - 2017-04-11

I wasn't expecting that either and I started laughing while he screamed. I couldn't help myself, it was something about the pitch in combination with the earnestness and the setting...

........ =(

Anyways, what happened? Did they taze him? Why did he just go completely limp like that?

Oscar Wildcat - 2017-04-11

They pulled him from the seat, and his head hit the armrest. Not shown in this clip, but immediately after the four airline employees took the now empty seats. Meanwhile, out on the tarmac, our man managed to elude the Customer Service Representatives, thwarting their attempt to re-accommodate him, and rushed back into the plane. He gripped a pillar, and moaned over and over "I want to go home". The whole plane was cleared and the man was finally removed on a stretcher.

If you're laughing, something is prolly wrong with you, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit it looked just like a scene from Terry Gilliam's "Brazil". The whole thing is creepy, it reminds me of the Milgram Experiment.

TheyUsedDarkForces - 2017-04-11

Oh wow, thanks for the summary... so that's what took the fight out of him. Those are AIRLINE EMPLOYEES dragging him? That's really some commitment to your job. I'm not sure what would have to happen to my brain in order for me to hurt that little old man when he was just sitting there in a seat for which he had already paid, but I can't imagine it being job-related.

As for my laughing, don't get me wrong, the situation is weird and surreal and unfunny when you have some perspective on it. However, I've been ignoring this story until now and the rapid, 0-100 absurdity of actually seeing it and hearing it got me in the funny bone there for a minute.

Oscar Wildcat - 2017-04-11

Hey, if you didn't laugh a little, you wouldn't be using this site.

I was joking about CSR's, they were airport security but not cops apparently? Even stranger, if you read comments on the new sites, there is a strain of posting claiming the doctor has a checkered past. It struck me that the airline may have hired some firm to push back at all the negative press this is getting. Straight up five star Evil, that.

Bobonne - 2017-04-11

To be more precise, the cops smashed his face into the armrest. Repeatedly.

The official CPD statement was that "he fell" and "his head struck the armrest", then the cops "helped him out of the plane".

Bobonne - 2017-04-11

He's 69 years old, and a doctor, who was traveling to Louisville to meet patients in the hospital there in the morning, btw.

TheyUsedDarkForces - 2017-04-11

I guess that's not that surprising... These days, I think any job position at a huge company that includes the phrase "manage social media presence" probably implies that you're going to have to hire a botnet to manipulate polls and post comments or orchestrate some kind of character assassination campaign at some point.

I just watched it in slow-mo... Looks like Blue Jeans there yanks him up out of his seat and halfway towards the aisle, at which point "he fell" and "his head struck the armrest" once or twice. It kinda looks like Blue Jeans picks him up and kinda shoves him down, which is probably when he got it the worst. How do we only have one video of this?

Thanks Bobonne, gotta love that official vernacular.

Bobonne - 2017-04-12

That passive voice where nothing that happens is ever due to police action unless it's suitably heroic and noble is really something, especially in a case like this where there's footage of what actually happened, yeah.

Also, the flight wasn't overbooked, it was a couple of United employees deadheading it for a flight the next day that was the issue, which they could've easily resolved by putting them on another less-full flight, like, an hour later.

It's just a clusterfuck by every form of authority all around in this situation.

(Also, that statement was put out by the Chicago PD, but they don't actually handle the policing on the airport, that's a separate bunch of airport cops. One of whom in this situation WAS a former CPD officer, who spent some time in, I can't remember, either Guantanamo or Iraq, "enhanced interrogating" prisoners. Yeah.)

chumbucket - 2017-04-11

5 for the slow drag down the aisle and then the dude shouting "good job, great work". Your Moment of Zen.

Binro the Heretic - 2017-04-11

"Hmmm...nobody's volunteering to give up the seat they paid good money for."

"Uh...let's boot that middle-Eastern-looking guy."

"Pretty sure he's Japanese or...you know...one of those other Japanese-looking people."

"He's definitely not White, though."

"Good point."

TeenerTot - 2017-04-11

evil indeed

Robin Kestrel - 2017-04-11

Don't resist when you're being re-accommodated is the lesson here.

betamaxed - 2017-04-11

I'm hoping this helps america go one step closer to sharpening some guillotines.

memedumpster - 2017-04-11

It is racist to allow the conquered powerless Chinese people to fly on white colonial airplanes, they must be progressively returned to their proper non-racist idiom of being poor rice farmers who know kung fu and only ride on dragons.

United lost 3.6% share value, but the Asian community is elated that someone actually saw one of them and recognized they exist in three dimensional space. We all assumed someone was holding up those wide brimmed straw hats, but we just assumed magic or black people.

Monkey Napoleon - 2017-04-11

Race baiting.

Monkey Napoleon - 2017-04-11

This happened to me before, albeit with a much better outcome.

I had to take an emergency 26 hour greyhound ride home one time. I'd been awake for two days. On the last leg of a cross country road trip, we'd stayed up all night watching live acts and gambling in Vegas, and got T-boned on the way back to the place we were staying. After having to stay awake the whole next day dealing with the aftermath of the crash, I bought a bus ticket for an evening bus to get home as I'd only had enough money left for my share of gas/food. They oversold the bus by like 12 seats. I started to lose my shit a little bit when they told me I'd have to wait in Vegas another 8 hours after I'd spent every cent I had left and then some on the bus ticket.

Another passenger offered to take the bullet for me after she saw how upset I was, which was really nice of her, but I was about 30 seconds from a complete breakdown crazy person yelling nonsense wind up on youtube horror show... so I get where this guy was coming from.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2017-04-11

I wonder how much they'll end up settling with him out of court for.

Anaxagoras - 2017-04-11

Considering that this was 100% legal, probably zero dollars.

Seriously, as awful as this is, they're completely allowed to do what they did. If the American people were smart they would use this incident as leverage to change the laws so that they're more consumer friendly. But Americans being who they are, nothing will change.

Monkey Napoleon - 2017-04-27


Fezren - 2017-04-11

I guess I'm the only one here who has no sympathy for this guy.

I wouldn't call him innocent. Yeah, it's a shitty situation, but the dude is obliged to get off the plane and refused to do so. I'm all for physically throwing people off planes who refuse to get off the plane. This whole mess probably caused all the other passengers several hours of extra waiting, and it's 100% this dudes fault.

If someone in charge of a privately owned business tells you to gtfo, you should act like an adult and gtfo. It's a legal obligation. You don't get to act like a little fuckin baby, throw a tantrum, and refuse to leave. Would you have the same sympathy for some drunk asshole refusing to leave a bar? Naw, you'd probably laugh at his ass as he gets tossed out.

SolRo - 2017-04-11

a conservative retard boot licker is licking the boots of his corporate overlords???


(and you know how expensive it is to stop the presses? you stupid asshole)

memedumpster - 2017-04-11

They get taxpayer subsidies to provide this service, fuck 'em and fuck their collusion monopoly under so-called Open & Fair Skies.

Death to corporate socialism, let the fuckers fail.

Oscar Wildcat - 2017-04-11

Actually Fez, not only is the guy entitled to the seat he reserved and paid for, the airline made multiple assurances to the regulatory bodies that passengers in his position would be _guaranteed_ a seat. Your bar analogy is a poor one: better would be this. You're at the checkout counter, you pay for your color tv, and you're walking out the door with it. Suddenly, you're stopped by store security. They say it's the last tv, and one of their employees wants it. So what do you do Fez? And if you say "fuck you, I just bought it" and they beat you and take the TV back? You're cool with that? It's your fault, apparently. A private business owner can do anything they want, including voiding a sale and stealing your money?

15th - 2017-04-11

How big was the TV?

Monkey Napoleon - 2017-04-12

What Oscar said.

The service the airline provides is worth precisely nothing if you can't arrange a time to travel in advance. Scheduling your trip isn't some optional thing you get if you're a good boy and they can arrange it... it's half the fucking service. Yes, the airline should be given some consideration for things outside their control like weather or accidents and whatnot, but overbooking a flight is something that's unequivocally completely within their control and reasonable for customers to demand. If this is a problem for them, the solution isn't to remove passengers who already paid for the flight and boarded the plane. The solution is to not overbook the plane BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY, even if that means you have to book every flight with 10 reserved seats and lose a little bit of profit.

Anyway, this guy has some dough coming to him for sure.

Bobonne - 2017-04-12

He wasn't actually obliged to get off the plane, other than via some "broad sweeping generic authority of airlines post 9/11". The flight wasn't overbooked or oversold, it was a couple of United employees they wanted to deadhead for a flight the next day out of their destination. It was purely a full-retard managed attempt at juggling their internal employees, following a strictly laid out plan rather than utilizing common sense, then relying on the thuggery of airport cops that probably wouldn't be hired at any half-decent real department (one of whom is confirmed to be a corrupt ex-cop fired (or "retired") from the CPD.

The airline and its employees weren't in the right, legally or otherwise, though that might not actually matter anymore in Trump's Law and Order America.

Fezren - 2017-04-12

I'm not saying it wasn't rude and terrible from a customer service perspective to kick this guy off the plane, and corporatism has fuck all to do with the simple facts:

1. The guy had a legal obligation to get off the plane. The airline had the right to remove him.
2. His response was to act like a fuckin baby about it and cause a problem for everyone else on board.

SolRo - 2017-04-12

Kneel, beg, and obey.

like the sniveling bitch you are.

memedumpster - 2017-04-12

You have a point and probably have the issue sewn up from a civilization mechanics point of view, but there is also human nature. United closed at -1.13% due to this, closing way lower than the rest of the market. That is a $ 255 million drag from a plane they just generated for themselves.

Somewhere, United failed their obligation to not slander their own business with rules like this that will run afoul of basic human nature. Humans will resist being unseated from a place at random by the same authority that just allowed you to be there. Random interval punishment is a rage trigger unless you're completely broken (SolRo does have a point in his SolRo way).

I agree with your assessment of the airline's obligations, and am just expanding on how humans being humans complicates it further.

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