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Comment count is 15
jangbones - 2017-04-11

every person involved in this video deserves to be sued until they are cowering clams

Maggot Brain - 2017-04-11

You're such a 2.

Oscar Wildcat - 2017-04-12

Let's get Jang on the cans, MB. Now shut up and eat your beans!

Maggot Brain - 2017-04-12

How can I eat my beans when they all have the leaders face on them!

cognitivedissonance - 2017-04-12

As previously noted, the church doesn't hire actual Scientologists for these videos, in case they blow. These are all totally innocent kids from Dubuque who rode the bus in and took an acting seminar held at the Celebrity Centre for $20 and got roped into signing an NDA so they can never publicly say anything about Scientology just in case they get famous.

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2017-04-12

I'd watch out for that obviously-not-in-his-20s bully. His subtle, nuanced acting marks him for future greatness.

cognitivedissonance - 2017-04-12

They sit outside of Central Casting every week on open call morning, look for the kids that are obviously starstruck, offer them a cheap acting seminar and introduce them to the ARC Triangle, and the ones that aren't immediately turned off are shuffled off to an acting class led by old clams. The ones that show resistance but not overt hostility are filed as potential acting pool, the ones who get turned on by the early stage Scientology pep talks are hustled in to the church and get referenced to some Scientologist agents that get them commercial work or daytime television roles. Besides Tom Cruise, there are no a-list Scientologists anymore, just Cruise and a low tier swarm of gullible soap opera ingenues.

Old_Zircon - 2017-04-12

Beck and Travolta (unless he got out recently) are still Scientologists, although I guess they aren't exactly A list these days.

Maggot Brain - 2017-04-12

Beck hasn't put out an good album since he reached OT-7.

memedumpster - 2017-04-12

"Enterbulated on the OT funk
Got a six pack of squirrels riding in my trunk
Driving up the side of the nuke volcano
Feeling like an orb of light high on Drain-O

Gotta clear my soul

Dig it..."

Oscar Wildcat - 2017-04-12


Elll----Ron Hubbard's blown.
I'm an OT baby,
so why don't you Clear me?

Double barrel E-meter

memedumpster - 2017-04-12

I don't see "flabby" anywhere on this list, but Triumph the Insult Comic Dog's covert hostility is killing us.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2017-04-12

Check out the 10 lovingly curated comments for this on YT.

spikestoyiu - 2017-04-12

Fun fact: L. Ron Hubbard classified homosexuals as "1.1" on his tone scale.

Ninehells - 2017-04-12

Ever been "handled" by a scientologist? It's like they coated themselves in a viscous mucosal secretion to slip away quickly, leaving those around them feeling like they need a shower.

They think they've trained in verbal juijitsu, but in reality, they're just assholes that believe spurious logic is a super-power.

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