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Comment count is 17
SolRo - 2017-04-14

The cats played along with the human, because they know that job sucks and they chose to be benevolent, this time.

jfcaron_ca - 2017-04-14

So is PoeTV now just where we post the non-gif versions of popular imgur videos?

SolRo - 2017-04-14

If anything our cat video to evil video ratio has been severely low the last year or so.

Binro the Heretic - 2017-04-14

Some weeks, you just need cat videos.

fedex - 2017-04-15

no shit, after the last week for sure

bongoprophet - 2017-04-15

La Loco Sux!!!!!!!!!!!!

duck&cover - 2017-04-14

If I ever get a cat, I know now what toy to buy for it.

Raggamuffin - 2017-04-14

Harry Tuttle takes a moment to relax

fedex - 2017-04-15


kingarthur - 2017-04-15

Cats, yo.

glasseye - 2017-04-15

Yay cats wooooooooooo!

(which is also a tag)

Gmork - 2017-04-15

I needed this. In kind of a dark place. Had to put my cat River down today. I love that cat more than most people.

bac - 2017-04-15

That sucks gmork. River is a really good name for a cat.

glasseye - 2017-04-16

I'm sorry for your trouble, Gmork.

Bort - 2017-04-16

So sorry.

A cat's life in the wild is a brief, painful, fearful thing. You spared your kitty all that. You made sure River had a long, healthy, happy life ... and even at the end, you made sure River went with as little pain as possible.

When you're being pulled into grief, sometimes you can instead opt for gratitude: you had the privilege of River, and nobody else has been quite that lucky. So don't forget to thank River for all the years together.

Bort - 2017-04-16

... tricked me into five-starring my own video, good one Gmork!

TheyUsedDarkForces - 2017-04-16

Sorry to hear about your cat, Gmork.

I'll give my black one and my stripey one a little catnip from the garden in remembrance of your buddy.

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