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Desc:Someone edited songs from Brad Neely's Harg Nallin' Sclopio Peepio together. Too compiled for 73Q.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Cartoons & Animation
Tags:tv, animated, Brad Neeley, Harg Nallin Sclopio Peepio
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Comment count is 8
endlesschris - 2017-04-23

- Loved the online shorts
- Appreciated China, IL
- Hope this Sclopio Peepio shit gets cancelled and Brad Neely figures out how to actually apply his talents to a longform format

William Burns - 2017-04-23

Yeah. Parts of this are pretty hard to watch or listen to.

Robin Kestrel - 2017-04-23

Agreed, but Babycakes singing "I Wanna Live On A Mountain" at 3:01 gets five stars from me anyway.

endlesschris - 2017-04-23

Going back and watching some of the old stuff, it seems like a large part of the humor came from the limited animation frames and the handdrawn ascetic. Neely's style doesn't seem to lend itself to a fully animated format, where the cheapness of it goes from charming to looking like a budget flash animation.

Gmork - 2017-04-24

Exactly, chris. Half of the charm of a neely video is the voices, the other half is the timing of the frame changes and what's in each frame. I much prefer it to a fully animated style. Works better with his humor style.

Gmork - 2017-04-23

Even his Kenny Winker is worse in this format.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2017-04-23

Too bad YouTube monetization and Patreon wasn't around back when he did his George Washington, Baby Cakes, Professor Brothers stuff because I'd pay to see more of it than this shit he does now.

Nominal - 2017-04-24

Fuck The Big Bang Theory.

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