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Comment count is 6
Two Jar Slave - 2017-05-03

They tried to recreate this in Beyond, and it was about 28 seconds long with a distracting animation in the background and no relevance to the rest of the movie. Pretty much sums things up.

decoy - 2017-05-03

For most patients with Retinax 5 allergies I usually recommend LASIK, but Starfleet Medical no longer covers those preexisting conditions, so...

Oscar Wildcat - 2017-05-04

We used to have this thing called retirement, but now we work until we die.

jfcaron_ca - 2017-05-04

Yeah Kirk continuing on adventures until he's clearly too old for command is a good representation of boomers in our society. Mandatory retirement from important posts should be a no-brainer, as should proper social support for retirees.

Meerkat - 2017-05-03

No matter how many times they try, they will never recreate the chemistry between Bones, Kirk and Spock. The whole was greater than the sum of its parts. Or the one.

fedex - 2017-05-04

I just want Bones' outfit, what a style guru....those pants!

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