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Comment count is 17
garcet71283 - 2017-05-30

Akin to the "Over 9000 penises" event.

infinite zest - 2017-05-30

I thought SJW and Trap were already used for alt-lefties and trans folks, but you learn something new every day I guess...

ok in this context SJW can probably mean both, but still...

blue vein steel - 2017-05-30

SJW and Trap are 4chan speak for liberal and crossdresser. This report, if it's real, seems to have done their research on sites specifically made to troll reporters.

Nikon - 2017-06-02

SJWs are radicals (alt-lefters). The ones that get offended by everything or try to get people fired from their jobs because of disagreements on social media. They're not the same as classical liberals.

blue vein steel - 2017-05-30

Holy shit, fuck pepe and kek and all that, but do they not have anyone on staff capable of doing 10 minutes of research? That's not even Sargon of Akkad. This is so bad on so many levels i think it may be fake, especially when the got to the words and acronym part.

blue vein steel - 2017-05-30

and going with fake, the voice over is just wrong in production and polish, on top of everything else that's wrong with the video

or maybe everyone knows it's fake and i'm just now catching on. I can't tell anymore

infinite zest - 2017-05-30

I was a bit surprised to hear "shit" un-bleeped in the little Joe Rogan Experience clip, although "fuck" is. Once in a while news stations go ahead and swear but it's almost always in an un-editable fuckup. And then the "fuck" was bleeped. So I think this probably came from some place where that word's commonly acceptable on TV (like in the rest of the goddamn world pretty much) so they edited spliced footage the way it would be shown edited for audiences in their native viewing locations, but that wouldn't include MSNBC, streaming in another country or not.

blue vein steel - 2017-05-30

i assumed at first it was one of those things that runs at 3 in the morning, like this is a rookie reporter's first big story, and "shit" seems to be popping up more and more in regular TV, so i didn't even think about that. but yeah, this is clearly fake.

SolRo - 2017-05-31

you can tell it's fake garbage with 3 seconds of random, soundless click-throughs of the video.

3 seconds i'll never have back.

Caminante Nocturno - 2017-05-30

It's definitely a better-than-average fake, but the embarrassing state of the MSM has a lot to do with it being so convincing.

Xenocide - 2017-05-31

I don't know, it feels like lately the media is actually doing its job again after being a bunch of complicit Trump-enabling twats for most of the campaign. It's been a delight to see them uncover White House scandal after scandal, all at speeds so fast that Trump barely has time to send a spokesman to deny them, then immediately confess to them on Twitter while contending that it's okay because everything he does is right.

Although most of that work seems to be coming from the newspapers, with the TV networks just kind of along for the ride to Hell.

Caminante Nocturno - 2017-05-31

That kind of ringing endorsement is what I'm talking about.

Nikon - 2017-06-02

In agreement with Caminante.

Accidie - 2017-05-30

During the election cycle I submitted this video


Her name is Margaret Maclennan and I guess it's time for her to get a tag.

Accidie - 2017-05-30

During the election cycle I submitted this video


Her name is Margaret Maclennan and I guess it's time for her to get a tag.

Spit Spingola - 2017-06-01

Could tell this was fake within a few seconds. Maybe I've watched too much MSNBC. Also, fuck 4chan.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2017-06-01

Five stars for nailing MSNBC's style of reporting. It's obviously fake but to the uninitiated it would look and sound completely legit.

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