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John Holmes Motherfucker - 2017-06-07

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump -impeachment-poll-favourability-job-approval-more-american-support -removal-latest-a7775781.html

Old_Zircon - 2017-06-07

https://www.yahoo.com/news/four-top-law-firms-turned-requests-repr esent-trump-122423972.html

Binro the Heretic - 2017-06-07

So, will Trump try to wrangle a pardon out of Pence in exchange for resigning or will he try to flee to Russia or Saudi Arabia?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2017-06-07

I think most of congress, including House Republicans, would throw him over in a minute in exchange for Pence, but most of THE BASE is still with Trump. Those angry bombthrowers with their huge Obama/Hillary hate boners are all they've got left. If they turn on Trump now, it's not going to endear them to the rest of the country, and Congressional Republicans would end up on the wrong end of the hate-boners. And the base isn't going anywhere. They're watching Sean Hannity, and telling themselves that it's all Fake News. The GOP can't pull out of this death-spiral. It seems like this train wreck can't possibly continue much longer, but it will.

Sorry, guys. You built this.

SolRo - 2017-06-07

Neither country would protect him.

Russia would ship him back in chains or a box for sanction relief and SA wouldn't want to harm its military service contracts for its mostly American made arsenal.

Caminante Nocturno - 2017-06-07

This is a rich little fantasy world you guys have crafted for yourselves, it's almost adorable.

SolRo - 2017-06-07

You're defending a douche that literally stole money from a children's hospital charity.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2017-06-08

Cam, your argument lacks an argument. Instead of telling us how wrong we are, why don't you go ahead and lay some facts on us?

Nominal - 2017-06-08

Saying that we're not going to get a dream scenario of Trump getting kicked out and going on the run as an international criminal is defending him?

Binro the Heretic - 2017-06-08

Understand, I'm not saying Trump would be successful. What I'm really asking, I guess, is does anyone think he's stupid & arrogant enough to try to run?

Or will he promise Pence to step aside in return for a pardon? Again, not that it would be a successful strategy, but does anyone think he would try it?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2017-06-08

Sorry, was that clear to anyone else? It wasn't clear to me. But maybe that's just me.

There is no way to discuss the future without fantasizing, so I guess Cam has a point.

The future is coming, man. I don't know if it's going to be wonderful or terrible or terrible then wonderful. All I know for sure is a house divided against itself cannot stand. Something's gotta give.

Don't forget: Impeachment is every bit as legal and constitutional as the electoral college.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2017-06-09

I think that Trump's retirement from the presidency will be just as cushy and privileged as every breath that he has ever drawn. I am completely fine with that. Just get the fuck out.

You look tired, Donald. You need to take up a hobby. Ever try golf?

Caminante Nocturno - 2017-06-07

It's all just turned into one big failed attempt at being Jon Stewart now.

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