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Comment count is 15
snothouse - 2017-08-04

That'll leave a mark!

Maggot Brain - 2017-08-05

Because it worked so well the first time?

duck&cover - 2017-08-05

I for one did not ask for this. I did not!

betamaxed - 2017-08-05

Doesn't Lou Diamond Phillips deserve better than this? Also they recast the black kid character from the first movie with a white kid. That's fucked up.

5 stars for evil

Chancho - 2017-08-05

Yeah, I mean, recasting roles with different races? Come on!

Old_Zircon - 2017-08-05

Just wait until they remake Turner and Hooch with Seth Rogan and a CGI dog.

Spaceman Africa - 2017-08-05

"even when Cop and a Half half-assed it, it was still three-quarters cop"

Quad9Damage - 2017-08-05

The precocious child that says precious precocious child things. Boy you sure never see that anymore.

Quad9Damage - 2017-08-05

Regardless of whether or not we asked for this, it's what we deserve.

Old_Zircon - 2017-08-05

You know how cows got mad cow disease from eating other cows?

That's what happened to American pop culture sometime in the last decade or so.

Caminante Nocturno - 2017-08-05

Oh man, they whitewashed the kid from Cop and a Half.

Old_Zircon - 2017-08-05

Haha, holy shit.

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2017-08-05

One of Universal Studios Home Entertainment's trailer uploads for this film (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZwkStRlou4 - which is the exact same trailer as this one) has "Ownt it on DVD 8/1" in the title and the description. The video's been up since May 25, 2017.

You can tell Universal placed a lot of thought in promotion for this thing.

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2017-08-05

*Universal Pictures Home Entertainment, derp

boner - 2017-08-05

They also uploaded a 10-minute-long clip from the movie, and it's already on Netflix here (I guess it was released directly to Netflix & didn't get to theatres)

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