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Comment count is 5
Hazelnut - 2017-08-22

The gasping really makes this one. Nervous breakdown's a comin'.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2017-08-22

Removing Trump from office would be an absolute kindness. It's like we're watching a slow, elaborate form of elder abuse. Congress should grant him a new set of clubs, thank him for solving all our problems, and pay Tiger woods five million dollars to play golf with Trump full time, and let him win.

exy - 2017-08-23

The sassiness barely cut the sting of the evil for me this time... 5 + 5 ghost stars

Nikon - 2017-08-24

God bless you, you crazy, crazy man. The best part of wakin' up,
is Hillary lost to Trump.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2017-08-24

Your questionable hold on reality notwithstanding, that was pretty funny.

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