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Comment count is 13
SolRo - 2017-08-27

those certainly are scenes...from a show...

too brief and lacking any context to be a good trailer though.

BillLumbergh - 2017-08-28

I hate it when trailers give away too much though. Just being reminded a new season of Black Mirror is coming up is enough to get me excited

Xenocide - 2017-08-28

Future episodes:

"That's No Welshman, That's a Robot!"

"Would You Like to Try Our Extra FASCISM Meal?"

"Family Vacation But It's to the Violent Part of Mars or Something."

"Long Live the Queen...BUT SHE'S A COMPUTER??!!??"

"A Thing Where, Like, It's a Society Where Your Own Children Have to Eat You When You Get Too Old, It's Like a Religious Thing, I Don't Know."

"Look Out! A Wasp!"

"In The Future, All Men Are Named Colin. No Other Changes."

"An Evil Phone App That Makes it so if Your Battery Dies, YOU Die. Very Few People Download it Due to Negative Reviews."

"Xenocide Has Never Watched Black Mirror."

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2017-08-28

Way more intelligent ideas than black mirror.

infinite zest - 2017-08-28

Pretty accurate, but the number of episode titles would imply that the show's going to be on for 4 more years. And I thought Luther had short seasons. Certain episodes really let Booker's genius and usually hilarious snark shine, like one where a Lain-esque neuralnet is pretty much responsible for Convalescence services for the elderly. An episode like that might examine the pros and cons of eternal life but it doesn't end with any sort of "it was Glados the whole time" twist or anything. In general I think the show receives more shit for its twists and irony than it deserves, but 80% of the time it was probably more the computer's fault than the scientists'.

garcet71283 - 2017-08-28

I haven't watched this show either.

On a scale of 1 to "Twilight Zone" how often does it turn out it's man?

blue vein steel - 2017-08-28

yeah, i liked the first season, but halfway through the second, they definitely started running out of ideas and all the episodes essentially became the same.

infinite zest - 2017-08-29

The way I saw it, the dichotomy between borg and human is pretty much the thesis and then the episodes just elaborate on how it'd play out. It's basically like asking whether it's the gun or the shooter's fault, and most of the time borgs and humans are just dicks because that's us.

infinite zest - 2017-08-29

but yeah, I'd still say it's excellent per my description but there's definitely some cringe-worthy elements that'd unfortunately be even worse now that there's like 4 or 5 Black Mirror copycats floating around out there.

That guy - 2017-11-27

I love this and also the show.


kingofthenothing - 2017-08-28

I'm actually just glad the show is coming back.

I'm one of those people that binge watch the Twilight Zone marathons around the holidays. Black Mirror is the closest thing to a modern Twilight Zone that we've got, only it's without the supernatural element and more focused on popular fears of the day and age.

I like it.

That guy - 2017-11-27

Yes. This.

Pretty good episodes of this sort of thing are good enough for me.

BHWW - 2017-08-29

The thrilling conclusion to tonight's Black Mirror..."and there...on the car door handle...was a smartphone!" :people around the campfire scream:

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