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Comment count is 10
exy - 2017-09-08

Can we get that "young man" little girl into this (and all InfoWars) vids plz?

Also "inshanity"

Also my dear wife requests that someone do Sassy Alex

Also Category 6

Then crazy guy #2 started talking and I had to tap out

BHWW - 2017-09-08

"You see, once you take my nootropic, Gorilla Mindset, you will be able to realize, you will have the intellect and insight to realize this is what is happening thanks to your neurons regenerating, I have felt this happen inside my own brain."

"Uhhhhhhh, Mike, while your nootropic is all well and good, I'd like to remind the audience that Alex Jones Brain Forceā„¢ is also still a perfectly viable nootropic stack that will turbo-charge your brain and fight the affects of the chemicals they're dumping in the water."

Nominal - 2017-09-08

but only for one of the time cube's sides

Nominal - 2017-09-08

Oh shit! He died 2 years ago.

https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=1784357 20

Hegemony Cricket - 2017-09-08

Death is a False God construct about the fourth rotation.

He's at Sun-Up now with Jesus to help counter the Clinton's encroaching darkness of Sun-Down.

Gmork - 2017-09-08

what the fuck are you talking about

Hegemony Cricket - 2017-09-09

Time Cube.

Clearly the educators have gotten to you.

Old_Zircon - 2017-09-09

That settles it, I'm buying an 8mm tape splicing block so I can repair my tape of his MIT lecture.

casualcollapse - 2019-09-23

So did you do it? Also this entire conversation needs to be archived

memedumpster - 2017-09-08

I believe this, since Infowars has the same video game theme music as a gaming channel I follow, but when I went to find which one, I found that every gaming channel I follow has changed its theme music, even in their archives. Every theme tune I can hum for the channels just isn't there anymore. All the earworm trenches in my brain from binging these channels represents a timeline that has been rewritten.

Any day now, dinosaurs are going to explode out of our toilets and everyone will say they never went extinct.

But I will know.

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