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Comment count is 8
Caminante - 2007-05-09

This is the sort of music that never leaves your mind.

romancingtrain - 2007-05-09

This makes me feel like a 10 year old again. I would just let the title screen loop on CT.

longwinded - 2007-05-09

-1 star because Chrono Chross was teh suck.

lolcoolj - 2007-05-09

Seeing this live would be a treat. That could be the best video game theme song ever composed.

Ranma X. - 2007-05-10

While I liked Chrono Cross, I'll agree is paled to CT game-wise, but the soundtrack is on par.

louis armstrong - 2007-05-10

Missing Robos theme, sould have been like the boston philharmonic doing "Insane in the Brain".

Gwago - 2007-12-11


longwinded - 2008-10-23

It might not be worth 5 stars but I'm pretty sure it's a favorite

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