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The Mothership - 2017-09-18

Katy Perry bringing out transgender FREAKS promoting the transgender agenda wearing her esoteric black and white outfit where they have her promoting cannibalism as she lays on a table, Marina Abromovic spirit-cooling style, as they promote cannibalism.


Old_Zircon - 2017-09-18

His whole channel is fantastic, he really brings a special flair to the usual illuminati/satan/satanic ritual abuse/GLOBAL ELITES/zionist/gay/the matrix/mass mind control conspiracy genre.

Old_Zircon - 2017-09-18

Also in one of his other videos where he talks about Alex Jones being a false flag operative used to discredit serious truth seekers, he unironically refers to himself as "a hot blooded Italian."

exy - 2017-09-18

I am trampling in my boots, swear to Lucifer, that he is going to re-explain that the Rock said "Hail, Satan."

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2017-09-18

Of course The Rock is going to say "Hail Satan". SNL won nine Emmys last night at the 69th Emmy Awards. Flip those nines around, the show's barely even hiding its allegiance at this point.

exy - 2017-09-18

What's another name for "Saturday Night Live"? That's right, "SNL." Now spell that backwards, drop the S. What you got? "LN." Now LN, as everybody knows, stands for the popular slogan "Luciferian Night," which is the name given to the promised age of darkness in which we are cut off from the savior's love. "Night" is right there in the original name, too! They are taunting us, hiding it in "In Plane Sight."

garcet71283 - 2017-09-20

I remember years ago finding a website that made a convincing argument that Star Trek Voyager predicted 911.

RealmOne - 2017-09-18

Ah Call for an Uprising. Watch for the intro and stay for the false pattern salad.

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