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Comment count is 6
Rangoon - 2017-09-22

The 1st and 3rd parts:

Rafiki - 2017-09-22

1) Is this going to put me on a watch list
2) Was every adult involved in naked swimming in school on a watch list
3) I don't care how much chlorine you dump in a public pool, you'll never convince me that public pools are anything other than dirty asswater. The only times I ever got pink eye or an ear infection growing up was after swimming in a public pool. Butt soup all up in there.

misterbuns - 2017-09-22

kids being naked when swimming in old timey times isn't weird, but this guy obsessing over it is weird. Also the way he says skEWW--ehhl fucking creeps me out.

cognitivedissonance - 2017-09-23

Nope, not watching that.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2017-09-23

It seems to me that I can remember swimming naked in the YMCA Pool in the early to mid-sixties. By the late sixties,the Y had a new building, and I suppose that the observation deck overlooking the pool made tiny naked child dicks seem gratuitous. The funny thing was that they had to have a sign up telling everyone to wear a bathing suit.

infinite zest - 2017-09-23

That sounds about right! My dad vividly remembers having to swim nude having been born in 1946 and my ex-dad-in-law doesn't, since he was born in '56. That's a pretty short timeline compared to most cultural events, nude-dad-related or otherwise.

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