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Comment count is 3
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2017-12-05

I've seen this at least a dozen times, but what I never picked up on before Saturday is that he's dancing on a razor's edge. Did you notice that he clicks his heels on the top of the steps? Trust me, I know from personal experience you can get killed falling on some steps. He's either a lot more skillful than he seems, or he's fearless. And the danger adds to the comedy. It makes it vastly more profound to underscore this goofy improvised footage with a real risk of pain and injury.

Rangoon - 2017-12-05

Great work.

sasazuka - 2017-12-06

I admit that I was expecting a cynical ending from the preview image with the police officer, like he was just going to get arrested as though it was the ending of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, but it stays happy dancing throughout.

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