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Comment count is 8
The Mothership - 2018-01-11

Working hard late into the night on my Phd thesis in medieval English history while living near the Forth, I would rely on the Shipping Forecast to help me shift gears and relax into a peaceful and restful sleep. It is one of those rare points of constancy in an ever changing and tumultuous world. I miss it much.

BBC Radio 4 is a godsend to thinking people, and where everybody should go to get a good solid taste of British culture. This is where the Shipping Forecast can be found.

cognitivedissonance - 2018-01-11

I’m more about The Organist Entertains, myself.

yogarfield - 2018-01-11

Not anymore, coggy. Got cut yesterday.

cognitivedissonance - 2018-01-11

I heard! 😞

chumbucket - 2018-01-11

Reports to nap to.

Xenocide - 2018-01-11

Why on Earth would you...ohhh, you said NAP to.

violenza - 2018-01-11

i hope "stentorian voices from the ether" tag takes off.

Caminante Nocturno - 2018-01-12

This is not the kind of shipping I was expecting.

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