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Comment count is 6
Soundwave - 2007-05-14

how do you play custom songs on guitar hero? do you hack the 360 or something?

Caminante - 2007-05-14

The only way to successfully play custom songs on Guitar Hero is to dare to believe you can survive.

timmylean - 2007-05-14

Why does it always look/sound like they set up a video camera in front of their TV? -2 stars.

Hooper_X - 2007-05-14

It requires a modded PS2 that can play burned CDs and about three programs to edit the disk data.

Aernaroth2 - 2007-05-14

This song has the touch AND the power.

Hooker - 2007-05-14

-3 for handicam audio/video. +1 for the character on screen just standing there.

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