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Comment count is 19
BiggerJ - 2018-03-13

It took one second.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2018-03-13


betamaxed - 2018-03-13

The title didn’t lie

TeenerTot - 2018-03-13


Scrimmjob - 2018-03-13

This is fucking excellent!

exy - 2018-03-13

she had a medium-sized buzz going and he just killed it

Marlon Brawndo - 2018-03-13

This clip is perfection. When was this, 2002?

Public access was rendered irrelevant with Youtube. Is it even still a thing?

infinite zest - 2018-03-14

I for one would appreciate an actual sound stage, but I guess nobody needs that kinda stuff to broadcast their videogames or unbox stupid bullshit.

fedex - 2018-03-13

heres the FB page

Ugh - 2018-03-13

i tried not to laugh this time and almost blew snot everywhere

smoothw - 2018-03-13

Public Access month when!

Louddetective - 2018-03-13

Kiss my ass!

Caminante Nocturno - 2018-03-13

It's a wonder scripted comedy was ever allowed to exist.

garcet71283 - 2018-03-13

If only there were more stars to give...

Gerhard - 2018-03-13

I did not expect that, not any of it.

The Mothership - 2018-03-14

Wonderful in every way. What POETV was made for.

chumbucket - 2018-03-14

That camera framing.

Jimmy Labatt - 2018-03-19

Everything about this just works in every conceivable way.

tethercat - 2018-09-12

Weatherman Arthur, Knife Kid, and this.

These are the moments worth living.

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