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Desc:I give you this, because you deserve the very best.
Tags:Wee Sing, horrible kiddie movie infinity, smoke all the bowls
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Comment count is 10
Rangoon - 2018-03-28

I'm just glad this isn't about urine.

cognitivedissonance - 2018-03-28

My sister, 2 years old, picked this out of a box of VHS tapes round about 1987.

She watched it three times a day, every day, until she hit kindergarten.

I regrettably can quote this.

cognitivedissonance - 2018-03-28

The bear's only other film credit was as a killer in a action revenge cop movie called "Courier of Death".

exy - 2018-03-28

Is your sister a furry now?

cognitivedissonance - 2018-03-28

No, she was really into the giant anthropomorphic tea pot. Is there a fetish for that? You'd think there would be.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2018-03-28

Literally everyone in this either had this movie as their sole role, or only did one other minor role in a b-production and then disappeared from existence.

cognitivedissonance - 2018-03-29

Actually the lead boy is now a fairly successful production associate, and has worked with Tarantino, so good for him.

betamaxed - 2018-03-28

It's like zoobilee zoo only creepier

You People Are Idiots - 2018-03-29

what in the huggabunch zoobilee zoo fuck

fedex - 2018-03-29


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