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Comment count is 9
Cena_mark - 2018-04-07

What an asshole. 9/11 left everyone with a positive view of him, but everything he's done since is a douchy mess. I was initially surprised to find that most New Yorkers didn't like him.

Ocyrus - 2018-04-07

You have no idea how much we really hate him. His executive leadership before 9/11 left firemen ill-prepared to rush into the WTC. His actions led to the deaths of many.

Old_Zircon - 2018-04-08

I know two people who are alive today because Rudy's mismanagement of infrastructure meant the subway was especially unreliable (I remember that year you had to allow an extra hour any time you needed to take the L line anywhere, for example, because it was completely routine to have to wait that long for one to show up) and they were late because of stalled trains. One was stuck in a tunnel for an hour and a half when he was supposed to be at work in one of the towers, the other was late for a conference because of subway delays and was still outside when the first one fell.

So I guess there's a small silver lining to him being an irredeemable shitstain.

Nominal - 2018-08-05

The L line is still a mess.

yogarfield - 2018-04-07

Ladies and Gents, I present you America's current braintrust on cyber security.

Old_Zircon - 2018-04-07

Twist ending!

Old_Zircon - 2018-04-07

War Ferret
3 years ago

Rudy has a sickness he needs to take care of. He wants to rule over people and dictate what pets they have ... how much sugar they take in ... i think we need to pass some laws that require folks bent on controlling other people to be treated with lead exposure at high velocity . Just MHO. (notice I said pass some laws making said lead exposure legal? dont wig out and think I threatened someone - I didnt0

Old_Zircon - 2018-04-07

Smug Aqua-sama
8 years ago

I wanna slit his carotids.

Maggot Brain - 2018-04-07

Closet furry.

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