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Comment count is 9
Rosebeekee - 2018-05-30

Needs a pick-up sticks tag.

casualcollapse - 2018-05-30

It's a good thing I found this video, because everyone in my family gives good head, and we are traveling to Japan soon

cognitivedissonance - 2018-05-30

I don't think this is sexy words in Japan, I think it's sexy words in English.

garcet71283 - 2018-05-30

Come on, Toshi! needs to be a prog rock band name.

Album 1: You’re So Good

Album 2: Gives Good Head

Album 3: First Rate Cunt Lapper

Alternatively, First Rate Cunt Lapper could be a Pussy Riot cover band.

Old_Zircon - 2018-05-30

Didn't First Rate Cunt Lapper used to open for Adult Children of Heterosexuals, and The Butchies?

Old_Zircon - 2018-05-30

Shit, I should have said The Yeasty Girls instead of The Butchies, how did I manage to fuck up a queercore joke?

Anyhow I've heard this clip sampled before and never actually saw the original before, It's pretty great.

Hooker - 2018-05-30

She seems like a lot for Toshi to deal with.

Jet Bin Fever - 2018-06-01

This was a great show. I used to really like Oh! Mikey too.

Jet Bin Fever - 2018-06-01

Vermillion Pleasure Night, by the way.

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