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Comment count is 9
Rangoon - 2018-07-03

it's not quite good

it's VERY good

betamaxed - 2018-07-04

20 minutes I'll never get back

Robin Kestrel - 2018-07-04

Uncomfortableness of Existence.

Binro the Heretic - 2018-07-04

This is just Tim & Eric bullshit, only moreso.

"Hey, lets mock a thing that is unintentionally annoying & unwatchable by intentionally making a 'parody' that's even more annoying & unwatchable."

To quote Marvin the Paranoid Android, "Life's bad enough as it is without wanting to invent any more of it."

The only difference here is the effort to give it slick production values instead of making it look like it was duct-taped together by idiots using ancient equipment.

SolRo - 2018-07-04

Give it some credit, it actually has some jokes and humor in it, unlike Tim and eric

kingofthenothing - 2018-07-04

Tim and Eric never put this much thought into anything.

There's never anything like social commentary in a Tim and Eric sketch.

The closest they'd come is a live action Boobfart Flopgem segment and then spray fake vomit everywhere for no reason and go SUCCESS! GOOD JOB!

Simillion - 2018-07-04

so gaming is wrong?!?!??!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

twinkieafternoon - 2018-07-05

10:26 hit a little too hard

atheistgirl - 2019-02-18

That was awesome.

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