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Comment count is 14
Caminante - 2007-05-20

This would've been funnier if it had been done by Seanbaby.

kwelladakid - 2007-05-20

Sticky balls.

panipuri - 2007-05-20

momma, can I mow the lawn?

Adramelech - 2007-05-20

Needs more Lynx

jim - 2007-05-20

what? no saturn?

sosage - 2007-05-20

Caminante: Seanbaby. AVGN. The other two ScrewAttack guys. Half the people on the internet.

xenocide - 2007-05-20

Even years later I still wonder how anyone could have thought Virtual Boy was a good idea.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-05-20

The Swedish have a mafia that fucked up video games...will wonders never cease?

Hooker - 2007-05-20

This is really modern-heavy.

Aubrey McFate - 2007-05-21

So that's how you held the N-Gage. Pretty fucking retarded. (-1 star for the humorless announcer.)

bopeton - 2007-06-03

How did CD-i not get #1? Travesty.

FABIO2 - 2007-07-16

-1 for the Virtual Boy not taking up all 10 spots.

Lothar - 2007-07-23

A-Ha! So my Odyssey 2 isn't so bad after all!

LetsFistAgain - 2007-07-25

Sweden represents!

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