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Desc:Who would have thought a hotel for children advertised with slime would be unhygienic?
Tags:nickelodeon, slime, Defunctland, Kevin Perjure
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Comment count is 9
cognitivedissonance - 2018-08-12

Even as a kid, I had a conviction that Nickelodeon was exploiting me. There was nothing I hated more than the "kids can win" shtick.

casualcollapse - 2018-08-12

I still haven't forgiven them for Weinerville

cognitivedissonance - 2018-08-12

Mark Weiner started at Action Park!

Chicken the Did - 2018-08-12

You have actually very fleeting years as this so called 'kid'. Then foof, you are irrelevant. And here are all these younger folks coming down the hopper where you once stood being told they matter. Just like you used to. My teacher referred to this in class as 'the unforgivable crime of aging'.

cognitivedissonance - 2018-08-12

Oh, agreed. I remember seeing the onset of the second gen Nicktoons (Wild Thornberries being the chief culprit) and realizing I had aged out of it.

Chicken the Did - 2018-08-13

So it was a place from 'Another Dirty Room' but with sky high charges and fees aplenty. I mean it's a given it would be a cash grab but you'd think it would be slightly less... Well, sleazy. Say what you want about Disney but normally they at least try and be a little better than this Simpsons joke come to life.

Marlon Brawndo - 2018-08-13

Mmmm...Krusty hotel room...(drools)

Hailey2006 - 2018-08-13

I'd like An Adult Swim hotel with an IRL Bob's Burgers and Madonna Inn-esque rooms which are each themed around a different AS or Toonami show!

Ugh - 2018-08-13

deep down i hoped their codeword for a room with an unidentifiable biohazard is "klasky csupo"

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