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Comment count is 8
jangbones - 2018-09-21

dat voice

she should sign more and talk less

Robin Kestrel - 2018-09-22

The sign for “ejaculate” is also the same one for “Spider-Man”.

Leviathant - 2018-09-23

Ever log in to see what's on Poetv and find out someone you work with has a YouTube channel called Dirty Signs? Because that just happened to me :D

Scrimmjob - 2018-09-24

No, but that seems pretty fucking cool.

Anaxagoras - 2018-09-24

Yes, yes it is.

casualcollapse - 2018-09-24

Are you really fucking sure.. same name?

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2018-09-25

Oh man don't even get me started on that shit.

Leviathant - 2018-09-25

Apparently when she did her company-wide presentation after getting hired (it's a thing we do) she briefly touched on her YouTube infamy, signed 'twat waffles' upon request during the Q&A portion - but I was traveling for work and didn't see that, so everyone else knew but me. What a great way to find out though, hahahaha.

If it wasn't already evident, Kristin's rad as hell.

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