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Comment count is 4
Anaxagoras - 2018-09-24

I'm not sure what I was expecting, but for some reason I was surprised by this video. Which is doubly strange, since it was exactly what the description said: a balanced look at the possible effects of Oxycontin use. Some people benefited, others.... didn't.

Really interesting video. It added a lot of nuance to my understanding of the benefits & dangers of opioid use.

Callamon - 2018-09-25

The only one that "benefited" works in the pharma lab that made oxy.

Anaxagoras - 2018-09-26

What? Did you even watch the video?

Oxycontin was (and still is) an invaluable medicine for a couple patients. But it certainly wasn't the panacea that the pharma company was claiming.

The Mothership - 2020-04-07

I took it after I damaged myself; I was glad to have it, believe me - it does take the pain away. I was also able to kick it, cause I ran out and wasn't prescribed enough for long enough to really get me hooked. I took it for like 2 months, and when I ran out I ran out and I was OK.

But every now and again I wish I had some - it's just that good.

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