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Comment count is 21
You People Are Idiots - 2018-10-06

A man of integrity.

Shanghai Tippytap - 2018-10-07

uhhh excuse me mister sanders but did it perhaps ever occur to you that kavanagh is going to get confirmed because the american people WANT him on the supreme court?

Old_Zircon - 2018-10-07

What does that have to do with the Supreme Court? The whole point of the Supreme Court is that it exists largely outside of the electoral system and DOESN'T answer to the will of the people.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2018-10-07

The American people = a poll a saw on Fox News.

Shanghai Tippytap - 2018-10-07

sorry libs, i guess i still believe in a little thing called 'democracy'

simon666 - 2018-10-07

You may believe in democracy but don't have a clear understanding of its instantiation by the Constitution of the United States. See, in the United States, people vote for representatives and those representatives make decisions either by vote or decree as determined by their role as defined by the Constitution. The representatives are meant as a check on the will of the people because the will of the people is not always prudent when overcome by factious impulse and emotion of the moment, particularly the representatives of the people in the Senate.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2018-10-07

Jesus Fuck, not another proto-Mark Cena. I don't want to repeat that shit again.

SolRo - 2018-10-07

"will of the people" and "states rights" are just more horseshit dog whistles conservatives use to justify their totalitarian fantasies.

For example, 'will of the people' will be used to ignore 'states rights' if a state wants to protect gay people.

and 'states rights' will be used to ignore 'will of the people' if people want to allow abortions,

and obviously both will be ignored if fucking them over will make republican politicians 1% richer.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2018-10-07

Actually, according to a poll I saw on the Fox News Website from six days ago, 48 per cent of voters opposed Kavanaugh being confirmed, 42 per cent supported him being confirmed

https://www.foxnews.com/politics/poll-reveals-deep-divisions-o ver-brett-kavanaugh.amp

Shanghai Tippytap - 2018-10-07

i was only pretending to be a mouthbreathing idiot, everyone.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2018-10-08

Well, I'm very relieved.

yogarfield - 2018-10-08

Yeah, it's 2018. Pretending to be an idiot on the internet is now primarily a pastime of idiots on the internet.

Old_Zircon - 2018-10-08

Shanghai, you know that the USA has literally never been, nor was never intended to be a democracy (we're a constitutional republic), and both the supreme court AND the Senate (which was not an elected body for the first century of US government, senators were appointed not elected and the Senate was our counterpart to the UK's House of Lords with the express purpose of ensuring the majority wouldn't hold more power than the ruling class). Right?

Democracy was the method used to appoint representatives to the house, but it was never the structure of the government.

This isn't some kind of fringe idea, this is basic history.

Slightly more controversial (but still basic historical fact, just not often mentioned in schools) is the fact that a number of the framers of the constitution considered it a failure by the end of their lives, partially because of the undemocratic structure of the government they had designed and also because they hadn't accounted for the effects of the industrial revolution, the formation of political parties, and the rise of capitalism.

Here are some quotes from some familiar figures discussing why the American experiment failed:

"We think experience has proved the benefit of subjecting questions to two separate bodies of deliberants. But in constituting these bodies, [we have] been mistaken, making one of these bodies, and in some cases both, the representatives of property instead of persons."
-Thomas Jefferson

"All combinations and associations, under whatever plausible character…are of a fatal tendency. They serve to organize faction; to give them an artificial and extraordinary force; to put in the place of the delegated will of the nation the will of a party."
-George Washington

"A small but artful and enterprising minority of the community, and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans, digested by common counsels and modified by mutual interests."

"I believe, farther, that this [constitution] is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other."
-Sam Adams

There are plenty more, but you usually have to dig through a bunch of small-government Libertarian and Sovereign Citizen garbage to find them online and I just don't have it in me to do that today.

Old_Zircon - 2018-10-08

Oh never mind, I missed your last post about it being a joke, Shanghai. That's a relief.

Shanghai Tippytap - 2018-10-08

i enjoyed reading your post OZ; it's very good information, and it's right and nuanced and questions the legitimacy of a political system that's basically being wielded as a big club by those who hold power.

my feelings about your statement are the same as i had to the video above; what Sanders is saying is true and digs to underlying structural problems with the american government. what pisses me off is that the majority of voting people prefer comfortable lies to unfamiliar truth, and it frustrates me that i dont know how peoples' minds can be changed anymore

You People Are Idiots - 2018-10-09

"""""""""what pisses me off is that the majority of voting people prefer comfortable lies to unfamiliar truth""

************** all the stars
so fucken much exactly this

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2018-10-07

Let's just forget about how it looks. I know who looked credible on TV and who didn't, but I don't really know with true certainty, whether the allegations against Kavanaugh are true.

But here's what I do know, what we all know.

the Republicans did everything in their power to avoid an attempt in good faith to find the facts. They could have ordered an FBI investigation right away, a discrete investigation, outside of the public eye. Instead they chose the painful, ugly, divisive TV spectacle that they are now blaming the Democrats for. A hermetically sealed HE SAID/SHE SAID was never going to prove anything, and it was always going to piss everybody off. The Republicans are using that anger now to energize the Republican base by spinning the affair as effort to keep the White Man down.

Brett Kavanaugh claimed to be the victim of that spectacle, but he was a full participant, playing the part of the victim with all the commitment and enthusiasm of Nicolas Cage's performance in "Wicker Man". The clue that he was following a script was his bizarre claim that he was being punished by the Clintons in revenge for the election. If he had mentioned Merrick Garland instead, that would have been a plausible revenge motive, but dragging Bill and Hillary into it yet again was waving a red flag in front of the base.

Trump still thinks the Central Park Five were guilty, but Brett Kavanaugh is a victim, his life is "in tatters". I can forgive a rapist before I can forgive the cynicism shown by the Republicans in the Senate, concluding with Susan Collins, methodically threading a needle with her rationalization. She doesn't believe Dr. Ford is lying, but...

SolRo - 2018-10-07

Collins is a god damn shill. She plays the moderate act to get back room deals out of her own party and win center voters in her state but always votes with the republican hive mind when it matters.

Old_Zircon - 2018-10-08

On the upside*, most of us will be dead in a couple decades from climate change related natural disasters that we're 30-40 years too late (and that's being generous) to change, anyhow, so not all of us will have to live through the worst outcomes of the solidification of far right power that Kavanaugh pretty much locks in for the next century.

Which isn't to say that mitigating climate change as much as we can isn't still a very important thing, of course, because the more we can slow it the less catastrophic the inevitable human suffering will be. One more reason why voting for the lesser of two evils in 2016 was the only ethical choice - Clinton wouldn't have made things better but she'd have made them a lot less worse.

*because it's 2018 and nobody including me can really parse sarcasm anymore, yes I was being sarcastic saying this is an "upside."

You People Are Idiots - 2018-10-09

'''couple of decades''''' ah i love too be an optimist in 2018 ha ha

bawbag - 2018-10-12

Wow, a Sanders post that hasn't yet had the usual suspects drunkenly shitting their pants about their chosen slave-owner candidate and her shitty party of bloodless neolib scum?

A PoETV miracle!

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