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Comment count is 5
That guy - 2018-11-25


casualcollapse - 2018-11-25

Has close-up magic replaced slight of hand as the preferred word for it?

Old_Zircon - 2018-11-25

I used to work at a video store with a corner display of just about every film David Mamet had worked on (not this one though, I don't think). It also happened to be half a block from his favorite lunch place in Boston. So once or twice a year David Mamet would come in with a big sub sandwich and retire to the basement level of the shop for 15 minutes or so, eat his sandwich and then leave. Then the manager would have to go down and clean up the mess, because what he was doing down there was eating his sub while browsing the display of his own movies and spilling sub fillings all over the carpet.

boner - 2018-11-26

Surprised we didn't have way more Ricky Jay videos submitted over the years.

Nominal - 2020-11-25

For the longest time growing up, I swore that he and Chuck Low were the same man.

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