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Comment count is 9
bakune young - 2006-03-29

That one at the end is the cat version of the midget from twin peaks.

Caminante - 2006-03-29

That's not charming at all, that's creepy.

apolloniuschrist - 2006-03-29

it's not funny either

xenocide - 2006-03-29

Okay, cats, so you've learned speech. Big deal. Come back in a million years when you've got thumbs.

Stog - 2006-03-29

Two additional stars for the cat at the end.

Cheese - 2006-03-29

The one at the end sounds like I do after about 10 beers.

Xiphias - 2006-05-24

fucking scary cats

tamago - 2006-07-12

The cat at the end is apparently reading magnetic refrigerator poetry.

happy_ending - 2007-02-12

why i eyes ya

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