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Comment count is 12
Xenocide - 2019-03-30

That is some upbeat and festive porn music, why can't human porn be like that.

Anaxagoras - 2019-03-30

Pretty much all the porn I watch has soundtracks like this.

What kind of porn are *you* watching?

Xenocide - 2019-03-31

The wrong kind, clearly.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2019-03-31

Confirmed: Anaxagoras watches sponge-porn

Marlon Brawndo - 2019-04-01

Xenocide, do you have a blog? You're one of my favorite posters.

Xenocide - 2019-04-01

I don't, but that's quite kind of you to say, thanks!

garcet71283 - 2019-03-31

I loved this show when I was 15 and I still love it at 33.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2019-03-31

Whether Spongebob is truly a masterwork of genius (1st couple of seasons anyway) is not up for debate.

Todays debate topic is..

Would there have been Spongebob without Ren & Stimpy?

Spongebob always reminded me of Ren & Stimpy (eg. Gross static close-up images) I reckon R&S paved the way in terms of style + what you could get away with in a 'kids' show.

Xenocide - 2019-03-31

Hello and welcome to my dissertation.

I'd say Spongebob actually owes much more to Rocko's Modern Life than R&S, largely because Spongebob is what the bulk of Rocko's creative team did after Rocko was cancelled. Spongebob is less downbeat and subversive than Rocko (intense optimism being Spongebob's defining trait, as opposed to Rocko who comes off as someone who could snap and could go on a Falling Down rampage at any moment, but he won't because that would be rude) but both shows make it a point to balance the gross-out humor with character beats and verbal gags, so it never fell into the trap that R&S did, where after a season or so all the grossout jokes began to blend together because the shock value had worn off. Spongebob will use gross humor but it never relies on it, because it works hard to establish a funny setting and cast of supporting players that can reliably deliver laughs in multiple ways. That formula comes straight from Rocko.

That said, Ren and Stimpy and Spongebob both have a retro golden age cartoon vibe (particularly in their soundtracks) that Rocko lacks, and that overarching feeling of old-made-new-again is probably the biggest contribution R&S made to Spongebob.

NEXT WEEK'S TOPIC- Why are the Rugrats so goddamn ugly?

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2019-03-31

Xeno gets a gold star!

Also, I just wanna mention that for me a lot of the funniest bits are when its super-repetitive and they actually loop the voice actors recording eg...


"exactly (pop) exactly (pop) exactly (pop)"

garcet71283 - 2019-03-31

R&S was overrated when it was on and is even more overrated now (especially in light of its creator)

Binro the Heretic - 2019-03-31

Hillenburg was too good for this world.

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