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Comment count is 9
snothouse - 2019-04-11

They weren't paid.
https://nextshark.com/none-martial-arts-legends-jack-mas-kung- fu-movie-got-paid/

Cena_mark - 2019-04-11

Not paid with a paycheck, but it's clear they're trying to get good with Ma now that he's creating a film studio. They'll get paid for this favor.

Cena_mark - 2019-04-11

I'm sure all the ladies screaming about how handsome and stylish Jack Ma is were paid.

Marlon Brawndo - 2019-04-12

Jack Ma will save us from the threat of sumo wrestlers. Everyone praise Jack Ma!

Hegemony Cricket - 2019-04-12

This guy. Couldn't get hired at KFC. Never owned a computer until 33. Never wrote a line of code. Never directly sold anything to anyone. He made "ugly websites" for Chinese interests in '95 because no one else was, parlayed that into Govt work, and then used that experience to create Alibaba. Now he's worth $36B and living out Tai-Chi fantasies with his heroes - who are all subservient to his whims.

Really living the American Dream.

Also, the best wuxia choreographers alive couldn't make a single one of his blows look substantial.

Lastly, he's also singing in this goddamn thing.

Marlon Brawndo - 2019-04-12

Didn't American Dad foresee this would happen? They did an episode where a Chinese billionaire bought the show and they wound up on an adventure where he found piles of money on the sidewalk.

Ugh - 2019-04-12

jack ma in "fuck you captain zoom it's my birthday"

Old_Zircon - 2019-04-12

Still better than Michael Bay.

betamaxed - 2019-04-13

I'd rather watch this than a Zack Snyder DCU movie.

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