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Comment count is 16
Maggot Brain - 2019-04-24

Daddy vs Daddy action

cognitivedissonance - 2019-04-24

Good points but also I have 38 years of personally lived, first hand evidence that capitalism doesn’t produce happiness.

15th - 2019-04-24

Buy a vacation home or take up polo. The system isn't designed to hold your hand.

Two Jar Slave - 2019-04-24

Historically, Marxism has produced nothing but happiness.

cognitivedissonance - 2019-04-24

It has, just not in countries where there is a legacy of unresolved serfdom.

GravidWithHate - 2019-04-24

Good thing there's nothing like that in American history then.

cognitivedissonance - 2019-04-25

Your sarcasm detector batteries need changing.

Cena_mark - 2019-04-25

Socialism br im NHS unhappiness in the form of US staged coups.

garcet71283 - 2019-04-25

I think Cena_Mark just had a stroke.

Cena_mark - 2019-04-25

Damn phone screens. I think I'm typing one thing, but somethk different comes out

Spike Jonez - 2019-04-25

The more you know about capitalism, the more you hate it. The more you know about Marxism, the less you hate it. History trends from god-kings to worker control. Enjoy your capitalist cancer, bootlickers. Try reading books.

Two Jar Slave - 2019-04-25

I have had the exact opposite experience.

garcet71283 - 2019-04-25

Power throughout history trends from kings to peasants then to even worse kings.

The window of capitalism/Marxism is about 300 years of 6000 years of recorded history. The default human government is dictatorial. I’m not sure what history you are reading...

15th - 2019-04-25

Read the words, not the numbers. 07

Two Jar Slave - 2019-04-25

If Peterson were wearing silk pantyhose and Zizek had droopy muttonchops and a powdered wig, THEN I might actually watch this crap.

Old_Zircon - 2019-04-25

Zuzek has droopy muttonchops on his soul tho

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