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Desc:Before we had the entire Internet to kill our faith in humanity, all we had was daytime TV.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Educational
Tags:90s, trash tv, talk shows, daytime tv
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Comment count is 5
Caminante Nocturno - 2019-04-28

I hardly ever watched these shows, but I knew so much about them because I watched Talk Soup.

Nikon - 2019-04-28

As Nocturno-san also said, I saw some of these on Talk Soup.
Most of these weren't really my glass of beer; my favorite
talk show of all time is Space Ghost Coast To Coast.

Old_Zircon - 2019-04-28

I also never really watched them but I was definitely aware of them and occasionally if I was home sick from school I'd catch a little bit of one between when I turned on the TV and when I turned on the Nintendo.

Born in the RSR - 2019-04-28

A pivotal moment in my Poe life was finding out Morton Downey was a real guy and not just made up expressly as a parody for the movie Predator 2.

If he wasn't such a disgusting person , I'd find it funny that he never breaks character.

Marlon Brawndo - 2019-04-29

I remember how popular these shows were in high school. It was the same mentality that led people to flock to the food court to watch a fight. People love to watch a good fight and they love to know the gossip behind that fight.

Are talk shows still a thing anymore? I don't have TV so I honestly don't know.

I completely forgot about the gay guy that revealed his crush and got murdered three days later...oh man. This entire genre of television deserved to die.

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