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Desc:The chunky half of our favorite filk tribute band regales us with a song and a bunch of excuses.
Category:Music Videos
Tags:youtube, filk, fandom studies, lyrics by joshtimus prime, no seriously - JOSHTIMUS PRIME.
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Comment count is 7
Hooper_X - 2007-06-01

These girls are basically liquified Essence of POE.

I don't know what's awesomest - The fact that she admits that she can't sing but does anyway, the fact that they couldn't find a voiceless track of an incredibly well-known song, the fact that they're filking goddamn showtunes to be about Star Wars, the fact that it doesn't even fucking rhyme, the fact that they're so incredibly naive and retarded that they claim they have a copyright over what is at best an extremely shoddy rewrite of someone else's lyrics, or the fact that they were actually CONCERNED ENOUGH ABOUT SOMEONE STEALING THIS PIECE OF SHIT to announce it was copyrighted.

Seriously, this is the kind of shit that POE is all about.

KnowFuture - 2007-06-01

WHY is she wearing cat ears? There's NO REASON for her to be wearing cat ears.

Yellow Lantern - 2007-06-01

What, are you dense? She's JoyfulKITTIE. Duh.

Merzbau - 2007-06-01

"Dib Monkey." Jesus Christ, every time I get on the internet I am more and more ashamed to have enjoyed Invader Zim.

Corman's Inferno - 2007-06-02

Urgh, seconded. But "Idiot Dog Brain" would probably work well as a band name.

TypicalEllisProtagonist - 2007-06-02

Did she eat the lyrics that actually rhymed?

Quad9Damage - 2007-06-02

My ears. Oh, my poor ears.

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