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Comment count is 26
BHWW - 2019-07-05

Right, just like when I played 50 Cent: Line in the Sand I started running around demanding my diamond skull from people in real life.

Caminante Nocturno - 2019-07-05

I played Dead Space and now every time I come across a corpse I stomp it to pieces.

jfcaron_ca - 2019-07-05

/me points to the "missing the point" tag.

SolRo - 2019-07-05

‘These examples of not nazis are the same thing as nazis’

BHWW - 2019-07-06

Solro, where's my diamond skull, bitch?!?

SolRo - 2019-07-05

It’s a valid argument.

What’s your counter argument mr. totally-a-leftist but keeps demeaning black people, spreading right-wing propaganda and whining about someone not liking nazis?

Pillager - 2019-07-05

Not spreading right wing propaganda, I'm merely pointing out that ignoring/censoring nazis doesn't just make them go away.

Feel free to ignore reality, you'll never escape the consequences of ignoring reality.

SolRo - 2019-07-06

Not normalizing isn’t the same as censoring or ignoring.

You seem to have lost your grasp on reality and hopefully not because of something as utterly stupid as sanders losing the 2016 primary.

Now you’re parroting the retarded right wing talking points that nazis and right wing extremists have to be omnipresent and featured everywhere OR THE FIRST AMENDMENT IS DEAD AND SOMETHING SOMETHING HISTORY!!!

SolRo - 2019-07-06

For bonus points explain how casually adding nazis to a game where they aren’t explicitly and exclusively the bad guys and shows why they’re the bad guys is in any way useful aside from helping lazy developers avoid being creative.

Double bonus points if you can explain how you’d feel about a game where ISIS specifically is a playable faction.

Pillager - 2019-07-06

1. Play whatever you want. As long as you can differentiate real life & fantasy.

If People join ISIS, it wasn't due to vidya gaemes.

2. Wanna make a WW2 game? Kinda hard to do without the obvious baddies the Nazis. BTW, they're always the Victims. They always lose.

You have to fight them, not just mute/ignore them. Personally, I want to keep an eye on them & retain my free speech. XD

3. Extra Credits' agenda is to censor. We're not having it. Check out that Sick Dislike ratio on their vid, if you doubt me.

Caminante Nocturno - 2019-07-06

There's absolutely nothing valid about it.

He's saying that playing as a Nazi makes people think that Nazis are okay, which is not only presented without any evidence, but it's on the same stupid level as saying that video games cause real-life violence or sexism.

This guy is an idiot.

cognitivedissonance - 2019-07-06

Again I ask you, Solro, is there anything we can do to make your time among us a pleasant one? You just don’t seem happy.

BHWW - 2019-07-06

Did you hear, gamers are playing Nazis, next thing you know they'll be listening to Judas Priest and worshipping Satan, won't somebody please think of the children?!???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That guy - 2019-09-19


Gypsy_Dildo_Factory - 2019-07-06

(10k 'like' 82k dislike)

Nikon - 2019-07-06

Delicious ratio.

Gypsy_Dildo_Factory - 2019-07-06

^^^ I meant to reply under Pillager, you see. So no one would have to go over to YT . This was one of my shortest comments.

Caminante Nocturno - 2019-07-06

82 thousand NAZIS!

Nominal - 2019-07-06

Every non-Yahtzee thing on The Escapist is staggeringly useless.

5 for SolRo and YPAI, our lovable "I hate this place but can't leave" rageaholics.

You People Are Idiots - 2019-07-07

heres ur attention bro,,,, enjoy
beats all the times u reply to shit from 2015 screechin like a weepy cunt about bernie w/e and get 0 response i guess

die mad af

Old_Zircon - 2019-07-06

Everything else aside, this looks like it was animated by Mormons.

betamaxed - 2019-07-06

We should probably figure out which one of us is going to put on "Saturday's Warrior" during MNR

Old_Zircon - 2019-07-06

I thought you already showed it on a day I missed, actually. I've had it in my "almost" pile for like 3 years.

casualcollapse - 2019-07-07

This guy sucks

fedex - 2019-07-07

Yeah, things were OK until I started spy-checking in real life...

fedex - 2019-07-07

Yeah, things were OK until I started spy-checking in real life...

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