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John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-07-13


Linus is older now, probably the oldest of all 11 cats, and apparently he's blind in one eye, but he still has more than one cat's share of personality. This clip was taken was around the time Linus started jumping up onto my shoulders when I wasn't expecting it. Back then, he could land with great precision, without causing much pain, but these days it's usually more like getting hit by a sandbag with claws.

Ugh - 2019-07-13

had to put my cat down last week so i needed this, thanks

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-07-14

I've lost some wonderful cats, but I've never yet been faced with the weight of making that decision. My sympathy goes without saying, but I also respect you for taking care of your friend.

I've been feeling sad this weekend about the loss of my friend Cynthia, who I've mentioned before. You want to know what made me feel better? Cat videos. Pluto TV has a channel that's just cat videos. It's fun to watch, but it's even better to watch with a bunch of cats.

My therapist says to choose love is to choose pain. Okay, I'll take it then.

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