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Desc:Zeon were always the bad guys, even if the Federation has some assholes in charge
Category:Cartoons & Animation, Classic TV Clips
Tags:Anime, gundam, moral relativism
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Comment count is 8
Maggot Brain - 2019-07-21

Typical fedie propaganda! #amnestyforthecimafleet

SolRo - 2019-07-21

Even this documentary whitewashed the true crimes of the Zeon, as the GG gas used in their mass murder of colonists actually caused a horrific death where the victims flesh literally started to liquify

BHWW - 2019-07-22

Famous anarcho-communist anime "Mobile Suit Gundam" is 100% correct: war is bad. Why did everyone wage war against Hitler, when they could've just shown him some Youtube videos and deradicalized him? Or just punched and deplatformed him before the war started?

SolRo - 2019-07-22

All wars are literally to fight hitler.

BHWW - 2019-07-23

I saw Gundam 0079 on Toonami back in the day and joined the US military as a result. If only someone had shown me a certain MSPaint picture of a Gundam firing the words "War is bad" over the head of a guy excitedly eyeing the Gundam and thinking "Wow, cool robot!" to inform me of its true message, the women and children I gunned down in the Middle East might still be alive.

SolRo - 2019-07-23

What you’re describing is ‘gundam 0080 war in the pocket’ which is basically about a kid that thinks war robots are awesome and fun... which ends in tragedy as two of his friends end up killing one another using those robot, as he watched.

Maggot Brain - 2019-07-23

speaking of 0080, was anyone else disappointed when the red/pink headed chick from Unicorn wasn't the chick from 0080?

SolRo - 2019-07-23

No. She ended up being a much better character.

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