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Comment count is 10
SolRo - 2019-10-19

Guess i better go learn mandarin

Chicken the Did - 2019-10-19

Wow, watching THAT made it hard to stay on the wagon. It really put in perspective how thoroughly useless #45 is. Chinese Palpatine is more or less unmatched, looking out at a world led by posturing buffoons.

SolRo - 2019-10-19

I’m not particularly worried about Xi taking over the world. He seems like a moderate despot at worst. He may even be the only person on the planet with the power and will to stop climate change.

What is troubling is who takes over the empire either through a coup or after xi dies. The successors of authoritarian empires are rarely more moderate than their predecessors.

Robin Kestrel - 2019-10-21

I sort of feel that the world will be better off in Chinese hands.

Gmork - 2019-10-22

So what exactly do you have against a free press, a constitutional democracy, etc? Or did you not watch the video.

Maggot Brain - 2019-10-19

Liberalism=/=Neoliberalism and the Austronesian originated from south east Asia, not Madagascar.

The China stuff was interesting but all the mistakes were damn sloppy.

Nominal - 2019-10-20

But St. Grandpa Bernie said the TPP was BAD!

SolRo - 2019-10-20

You seem particularly stupid today.

Hazelnut - 2019-10-20

That's a real painful accent. Sounds either like an American trying to sound English or an English person trying to sound posh. "Geopolitical inflooensh". "What you eat, drink, or smeuk."

Maggot Brain - 2019-10-20

German who learned English from Dr Who re-runs

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