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Comment count is 8
zatojones - 2007-06-07

Good to see a return to the open topped popemobile

gambol - 2007-06-07

So, what they need to do is have the one guy throw himself like that and tangle security, while his compatriot throws HIMself about 10 meters down the line.

The pope kept on waving.

Hooper_X - 2007-06-07

+3 stars for news outlets officially referring to it as "the Popemobile." +1 for the pope being totally fucking oblivious to it happening.

Frostilicus - 2007-06-07

Did you see that swiss guard guy just standing there, like the oldest person at TRL? WEAK

Adramelech - 2007-06-07

The best part of the video is a newscaster actually saying "Popemobile" in a completely serious tone. After watching this, I think we all know that getting into the Popemobile will take a concentrated effort of many paranoid schizophrenics.

Crucifried - 2007-06-07

He's trying to touch the earthly messenger of peace and love. Kick the shit out of him!

Sean Robinson - 2007-06-07

1 star because the video does not feature CNN's religious commentator Delia Gallagher. YOUR VIDEO'S RATING MEANS NOTHING TO ME, ON AN EMOTIONAL LEVEL, RELATIVE TO A PRETTY BLONDE TV AIRHEAD.

Hooker - 2007-06-07

+5 for "Popemobile."

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