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Desc:Henry Thomas adds another acting credit besides E.T. and Gangs of New York.
Tags:e.t., Xfinity, irreligious holiday greetings, pandering nostalgia, I know Henry Thomas has been much more than E.T. a
Submitted:Hugo Gorilla
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Comment count is 8
That guy - 2019-12-06

load screen and I'm out

Binro the Heretic - 2019-12-06


"Uh, hi?"

"I have this precious childhood memory of yours."

"Wha-? OH! Oh, wow! Yeah, that's great! Wow! I feel all warm an-"

"Bend over."


"Bend over. I'm going to use it to rape you."

Accidie - 2019-12-06

why not just make a sequel? too expensive and not enough chances to plug their cable company? this hurts to watch because this is everything now.

Binro the Heretic - 2019-12-07

Pretty much, yes. Hollywood has learned to optimize their money-making.

That's why big-budget releases will feature lots of spectacle and little in the way of plot or dialogue to ensure easy & profitable export to foreign markets.

casualcollapse - 2019-12-07

I voted this out of the hopper but refuse to watch it on principal..

TeenerTot - 2019-12-07

I got to the end and thought, "that was too long and painful, then realized it was only halfway through.

gravelstudios - 2019-12-07

You forgot Cloak and Dagger with Dabney Coleman

Born in the RSR - 2019-12-07

I don't really have any nostalgia for the property, but as far as i know ISPs in the US suck ass, so not only is this a shit garbage comercial using nostalgia, it's also pandering one of the most shit services you could get over there.

What's next? A Goonies cast reunion to shill Insulin?

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