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Comment count is 6
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-12-09

I was sort of hoping that this was leading up to four hours of Dale Cooper driving at night with the middle-aged Laura Palmer in the passanget seat, sharing an ominous silence. I feel pretty certain that David Lynch shot four hours of that.

I am going to give this five stars, and I'm going to add this to my favorites. Whether Ill watch it is anybody's guess, but if I don't Ill feel guilty.

Two Jar Slave - 2019-12-10

JHM, from what I remember two years ago you enjoyed The Return quite a bit. This analysis is maddeningly specific and often teeters like a house of cards, but it's not stupid or insufferable. It's quite engaging. I think you will enjoy it if you take it on in smaller chunks like I did.

casualcollapse - 2019-12-10

Me with hbomberguys latest video but I got through it and it was totally worth it

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-12-09


Oktay - 2020-01-02

I am proud to say I finally watched the whole thing. Kinda tuned it out at times (FOUR AND A HALF HOURS FFS!!!1) and dunno if I agree with everything, but I think he's onto something.

Nominal - 2021-05-19

The Return was a fundraising scam mixed with deliberate trolling of making every scene as drawn out and dull as possible. Worse than Inland Empire. Like, "Rabbits" bad.

Imagine an entire season of nothing but the opening "milk" scene of season 2.

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