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Comment count is 11
Miskimo - 2007-06-08

"Oh, one, I s'pose."

eatenmyeyes - 2007-06-08


Andonyx - 2007-06-08

It's not: He says, "We're out fo time" which implies live, but the absolute best director and control room switchers on earth cannot switch that perfectly that quickly between cameras. It's scripted.

Maxville - 2007-06-08

F is for Fake! Still kinda funny.

baleen - 2007-06-08

Is this not actually meant to be a vaudeville act? I mean, is this real, or a joke? Seriously.

baleen - 2007-06-08

It is fake. Too bad. But still good.

halon - 2007-06-08

Even as a joke, this is brilliant.

fuse13 - 2007-06-08

This is quite old. These to guys used to do this comedy bit at the end of every 7:30 report. The interviewer is a real journo, but the other guy is a comedian. He would be interviewed as anyone currently in the news, and whether he was the Prime Minister or whomever he never did impressions, just played it straight in his own voice. Very funny.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-07-02

5 stars for being a great comedy skit. No cardboard.

Banal Intercourse - 2010-06-11

... And no cardboard derivatives.

Skatopian - 2007-10-17

This is amazing. Five stars.

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