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Desc:Completely by coincidence lot of people in the audience love billionaires
Category:News & Politics, Crime
Tags:Bloomberg, billionaire, paid shills
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Comment count is 9
teethsalad - 2020-02-27

https://www.salon.com/2020/02/26/did-bloomberg-buy-the-debate-crow d-1750-ticket-prices-for-south-carolina-debate-spark-outrage_partn er/

tickets were $1750-$3200 each

Robin Kestrel - 2020-02-27

I thought debates were supposed to be moderated.

Maggot Brain - 2020-02-27


ashtar. - 2020-02-27

I think part of why Bernie is doing so well is that his message is A) he's an outsider fighting against the establishment and B) rich people control everything and are unfairly fucking everyone else over, and the entire 2020 election has become a perfect demonstration that those two things are absolutely true.

Also, fascism took root partly because elites were afraid of socialism taking over and were willing to throw in with right wing ultranationalist death-cultists to prevent that. I wonder if a quasi-socialist president or nominee might actually make the rise of fascism more likely than it is now. I think we'll see a lot of money from people like Zuckerberg, Bloomberg, and Bezos being quietly funneled to Trump if Bernie is the nominee.

Cena_mark - 2020-02-27

In this country, yes. Many elites would rather have the fascist.

SolRo - 2020-02-28

Elites can directly relate to a fascist.

The find the concept of helping the less fortunate bizarre.

Jeriko-1 - 2020-03-03

SolRo, yeah. That's why I fear this whole COVID-19 thing could turn into an even bigger tragedy if it wasn't already. Because it's obvious how these guys think: 'Why sink time, money and resources into saving societal offal?' So the oligarchs just kinda tossed an allegorical roll of paper towles to Americans. It would not wipe out anyone who mattered to them. Even with health experts imploring them to use their wealth and influence to do something, ANYTHING they smiled and silently extended a middle finger. The president added to the Fuck You by issuing a gag order of sorts.

fedex - 2020-02-29

This proves the theory that the average American believes they are a temporarily broke millionaire

SolRo - 2020-02-29

A lot of Americans are just desperate for money, either legitimately or because they’re greedy fucks.

But instead of doing something that changes the status quo they suck up to the rich.

Americans are the true ‘surrender monkeys’ of the world.

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