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Pillager - 2020-04-10

Joe Biden: "we should be making it easier not harder to make sure...to make sense...let me put another way, it makes no sense, it makes no sense"


The next 7 months are going to be comedy gold.

Hazelnut - 2020-04-10

Yeah let's share our favourite hilarious quotes from dumb old senile Joe Biden:

'We have it totally under control.'

'Coronavirus. This is their new hoax.'

'One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear'

'We really think we’ve done a great job in keeping it down to a minimum'

The next 6 months will be racists and asswipes trying to portray Biden as senile (when they're not making stuff up about sex abuse and child molestation). Just remember who is Biden's opponent.

M-DEEM - 2020-04-10

It really is going to be amazing. If I know declining codgers correctly, old Joe is about a month away from letting one of those hard Rs he's got bubbling around in his head cut loose. Mark my words

M-DEEM - 2020-04-10

And when Crazy Joe's next new racist mixtape drops, I can't wait to see the mental gymnastics to excuse it like I'm seeing for the rape etc..

Pillager - 2020-04-10


Lucy Flores
Amy Lappos
D.J. Hill
Caitlyn Caruso
Ally Coll
Sofie Karasek
Vail Kohnert-Yount
Alexandra Tara Reade


Also, there is a vid in the hopper of Sleepy, Creepy Uncle Joe unable to contain his boundless love of children...

If this is what he does when the cameras are rolling, just imagine what'll come out before November.

Hazelnut - 2020-04-10

Yup, there it is, just like I said. Be on guard for trolls and disinformation copy-pasting the same nonsense all over.

SolRo - 2020-04-10

Pillager you teaming up with mdeem?

Can’t let political differences get in the way of being a raving idiot.

Gmork - 2020-04-11

dirt > biden > trump

and since dirt isn't running...

ashtar. - 2020-04-10

Biden will lose. Like, obviously?
I look forward to being gaslighted for 7 months that he's a viable candidate by MSNBC et al., and then blamed for him losing.

Nominal - 2020-04-11

Add "demonizing MSNBC" to the list of traits in Pillager's PROGRESSIVE COALITIAN and their quest to become indistinguishable from Trump supporters.

ashtar. - 2020-04-11

Yes, not being excited about a corrupt senile rapist who makes shit up constantly and opposes universal health care is exactly like being a Trump supporter.

Diligence - 2020-04-10

This move lets the Biden campaign use April and May to fight Trump without wasting limited time and budget on fighting the primary. In my book that makes Bernie a hero.

Crackersmack - 2020-04-10

lol the only thing Biden is fighting is dementia, Bernie dropping out is just going to make Biden hide more

Hazelnut - 2020-04-10

Disinformation and trolling.

Caminante Nocturno - 2020-04-11

Bernie Sanders is like a real-life Hans Moleman.

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